Model shown.
Loneliness Among Canadian Seniors
The loneliness of Canadian seniors is a public health crisis on an epidemic scale. Over one million elderly Canadians report feeling lonely.
Honeybee Post Friendly Mail For Seniors is a non-profit corporation with a mission to bring friendly mail to lonely seniors in Ontario.
Honeybee Post envisions communities where lonely seniors who live in social isolation can be connected to other people in a way that alleviates their loneliness and helps them feel known, cared about, and valued.

Model shown.
Loneliness Among Canadian Seniors
The loneliness of Canadian seniors is a public health crisis on an epidemic scale. Over one million elderly Canadians report feeling lonely.
Honeybee Post Friendly Mail For Seniors (Honeybee Post) is a non-profit corporation with a mission to bring friendly mail to lonely seniors in Ontario.
Honeybee Post envisions a province where lonely seniors who live in social isolation can be connected to other people in a way that alleviates their loneliness and helps them feel known, cared about, and valued.
Honeybee Post makes a connection.
Founded in 2018 in Burlington, Ontario, Honeybee Post is a non-denominational, not-for-profit community service organization. It delivers a monthly greeting card with a handwritten message to seniors throughout the year. The service is free of charge.
As a network of volunteers, we are using the written word to reconnect society with its elders.
We are currently serving residents of Maple Villa Long Term Care Centre, Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home, and Seasons Stoney Creek.

Volunteer to help fight loneliness
We are always looking for volunteers who care about combating loneliness among seniors.
Currently our volunteers range in age from 12 to over 70. Some work. Some are retired. Our volunteers are building Honeybee Post upon the vast array of their skills and experiences; their interests; and what they’d like to learn.
We are looking for writers, scribes, proofreaders, and more.
We’d love you to share your skills and interests with us. Please consider joining Honeybee Post.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, call Belinda M. Mooney, founder and executive director, at 905-639-3650 or email bmooneyhbp -at- outlook -dot- com
Find us on Facebook.
“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee.” —Emily Dickinson